Wednesday, November 14, 2007

Tories: "Is it hot in here? Or is just me?"

I dedicate this blog whole heartedly to my misguided Tory friends on the right side of the political spectrum, who wish to bask in the glory of their former poster boy's public demand for an inquiry into the Schreiber affair, all the while fooling themselves into thinking they are champions of vigilance in government. It is you who most of all, need to keep it real here. A commission of inquiry is completely futile.

Harper would've done well to have taken some notes from the Adscam Inquiry, during witch (pun intended) time he was the leader of the official opposition. After all, it was Paul Martin that called the inquiry, and the honesty did nothing to protect Liberals from the voter in the following election. How interesting that in Ontario, Canada's most important battle ground, the Liberals now enjoy %43 support, the Conservatives %32 as of today (reported on CTV 14 November 2007). How easy the tables turn.

Commissions of inquiry, more often than not, bitterly divide a country and generally invoke cynicism from its citizens. Furthermore they completely paralyze the House of Commons which is already moving slowly due to the minority government. Keep it real, what's needed is a criminal investigation, not a Royal Commission. And wasn't I delighted to read in today's Globe and Mail that the RCMP has stated that it is investigating into the matter. Dated Wednesday November 14th 2007 [QUOTE] "Later yesterday, the RCMP said it was examining Mr. Schreiber's affidavit. 'As with any investigation, should new information come to the light of the RCMP, then we would review it and determine the next appropriate course of action,' said RCMP spokeswoman Nathalie Deschenes" [END QUOTE]. Delighted because under normal circumstances on any other day of the week, I would have been in possession of a quarter instead of a loonie, and as such, would have purchased the Ottawa Sun as I always do.

The bottom line is this: if there was any criminal activity that can be proven under the Criminal Code, than the appropriate charges will be laid, and the parties involved will stand trial and, any persons found guilty shall be appropriately punished. As was the case with Paul Coffin, Jean Brault, and Chuck Guite for their roles in Adscam. Anything else that may have happened is immaterial. Commissions destroy reputations and ultimatly cannot charge any person or persons who may be guilty. Harper, you watched the Liberal Party lose its governance of this great nation because of the royal commission into Adscam, which cleared every single liberal politician of any wrong doing. Harper, your days are numbered, so stay tuned, because my next blog is really going to keep it real......enter Jack Layton.

P.S. Thank you Conservatives for handing the Seperatists a victory in the next election

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